+ + + Christ Like + Service + Resilience + Respect + Safety + Participation + Communication + Self Care + Teamwork + Leadership + + +

Itinerary at bottom of page

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

More on Paris

Wow! It has been quite a day here in Paris. (Please bear with me on any typos, the keyboard I am using is French, with the top line starting AZERTY...?) We are just about to head off on our afternoon tour of the city, including a tour of Sacra Cour and the Eiffel Tower. This morning we were taken on an orientation tour of Paris, with a half hour visit to the Cathederal of Notra Dame. What a morning!
On another note, this morning I promised more info on why the flight here was very good. Well, just before take off from Singapore, the Steward came to the back where we were siting and told everyone that after take off, they could move up the fron, as the whole front section was completely empty! Of course, most of us took hi, up on that offer, and alot of us ended up with three or four seats to lie down on. As a result, most of us slept very well for a couple of hours, and spent the rest of the time comfortabley. Everyone agreed that God was realy looking after us on that flight!
OK, got to go,
God Bless

1 comment:

  1. Whackee dooo. Praise God for His Goodness. We are soooo happy for you ! :) Would love some photos.
    Paris is in for an interesting time with the Aussies.
    God bless
    Webb Family.
